Shirt as skirt

Friday, August 5, 2011

I had wanted to debut my $1 thrift store find in its original form, but that will have to wait for later. Instead, you'll get to see my awesome button-up shirt worn as a skirt! I never would have thought of this idea on my own - I was actually inspired by this Chictopia article. While reading the article I kept thinking, "This is the stupidest idea ever. Why would someone wear a shirt as a skirt?" But then I decided to run into the bedroom and try it really quick before I passed judgement, and as it turns out, I loved it! (Though you can feel free to disagree!) Josh looked at my outfit and said, "Cute skirt," and didn't believe that it was a shirt until I untied the bow and showed him that it was made up of sleeves.

I'm curious - would any of you try doing this?

Shirt: Forever 21
Skirt: Button-up shirt worn as skirt, thrifted from The Dig
Shoes: thrifted from House of Vintage
Purse: thrifted from The Dig
Necklace: free from aunt
Bracelet: Charlotte Russe

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