What the what?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I felt that it was only appropriate to use this Liz Lemon quote as the title, seeing as how there were six people staring at me all at the same time while we took these pictures, and I'm pretty sure all of them, even the old man, were thinking, "What the what?" Apparently even in Portland it's weird to wear bright yellow pants and a striped blazer together. When I asked Josh, "Why are so many people staring at me?" he said, "Because you wear weird clothes that no one else would wear." I read Indiana's post yesterday about getting stuck in a style rut, and decided to forget the red vintage dress I was wearing and go with something, well, stranger. I liked it. It made me happy - and honestly, isn't that the point of fashion?

Striped blazer: thrifted from House of Vintage
Black tee: Forever 21
Yellow jeans: thrifted from Goodwill (Forever 21 brand)
Wedges: Lulu's
Necklace: thrifted from a California flea market
Belt: Forever 21

PS - I was featured on Go Chic or Go Home yesterday! Check it out here.

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