Pretty purple pleats

Monday, July 11, 2011

I loved the romantic, old-fashioned feeling of this outfit. It made me feel ultra-feminine and pretty. I've been wanting to try the pleated skirt trend for a while, and was on the hunt for one until I realized that I had this one tucked in the back of my closet. It was free from one of my aunts, but it was way too big because the elastic was worn out. Without the belt, it sits on my butt, not my hips. Muy unflattering, my friends. But the belt did a good job of holding it up. I am all about belts these days. I never used to wear them except with jeans, but I wear one with almost every outfit now. For me they're more decorative than functional. (Except in this case.) I have about 30 belts in all different colors and styles, and I'm constantly on the lookout for more. I don't think I've ever paid full-price for a belt - I get most of them at thrift stores for a couple bucks each. Tell me - are any of you obsessed with belts as well?

Blouse: thrifted from House of Vintage
Skirt: free from aunt
Shoes: Madden Girl via Macy's
Belt: Goodwill
Earrings: gift
Necklace: gift, from Thailand
Bracelet: gift, from Italy

I thought I'd throw in a few photos I snapped this past weekend. Everything is in bloom now and the weather was just perfect, which makes me one happy gal!

PS - Keep your eyes open for a post later today about some fun thrifting finds I got this past weekend!

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