Easy breezy - Remix #22

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Josh and I had a fun and thoroughly social three day weekend! We're normally homebodies, but we crammed so much into this past weekend. On Saturday we hiked to Lucia Falls with my mom. It's up near Mt. Hood, which you can see in the pictures above and below, and was a really fun trip.

After that we drove out to Ikea and got a full-length mirror - finally! I may have spent an hour playing dress-up in front of it on Sunday :) And after that we drove up to Josh's parents' house, where I wore this dress but forgot to take a picture of it. That's why this post is remix #22 and not #21, because I'm counting Saturday as #21.

On the 4th we went on a picnic with my family (and our dog Onyx!), and I wore this wonderful maxi dress. It was an easy breezy outfit that I really didn't put much effort into - but if you're just going to be sitting around eating and playing cards, do you need to be dressed up? It was hardly an interesting outfit, but I thought I should include a photo of it anyway since I forgot to photograph Saturday's outfit for the 30 for 30.

Dress: Forever 21
Sandals: Target
Necklace: owned for years, can't remember
Bracelet: self made, from this tutorial

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