About that time, eh Folks?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's about time for an outfit post I think, don't you?

I've been so lazy in the mornings, barely crawling out of bed a half hour before I have to leave for work, so between getting ready and taking the dog out for her morning walk, outfit photos have fallen to the wayside. I'd take some after work, but who wants to see a sweaty, frizzy photo? It's best to hide the evidence of how awful I look come 5 o'clock!
This was taken over a week ago. I'm slightly ashamed, haha.



dress - Urban Behaviour (2009); belt - Smart Set (2010);
cardigan - Dynamite (2011); clogs - Aldo (2011)

Also, has anyone been watching the Glee Project? I'd love to hear your thoughts! I don't have a musical bone in my body, but wouldn't it be amazing to be a part of that group of misfits?

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