Weekly Money Check-Up: Oct 4th - Oct 10th

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on a new "winter" foundation from MAC, $30. I get so pale during the colder months that my old one just wouldn't work!

2. Today I feel pretty thrifty towards money. I went shopping at the Rideau Centre over the weekend and didn't buy ANY clothing (which is so rare for me) because I felt guilty spending money on anything other than what's on my winter "must-haves" list. Instead I opted for used items... go team me!

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was make a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with J for my siblings. Yum!

4. I will consider this week a success if I go to the gym more than twice.

5. If I could could quit my job for a month and travel throughout one country, I would choose Thailand. Both Top Model New Zealand and Australia travelled there recently and I was in awe of the beautiful scenery and culture!

6. Other frivolous spending I did this week was on a wool plaid skirt from Etsy, SO pretty and only $15, and a wool wrap skirt from Value Village for $6. Cross that off my list!

Weekly Money Check-Up is a weekly feature courtesy of My Pretty Pennies.
Image via Marie Claire Magazine.

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