Still Spinning.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I have an exam to write tomorrow morning at 9am... so instead of studying I'm blog-stalking and updating my own... sounds about right :)
I'm finally getting around to posting my pictures from Easter. Apparently I was very into twirling, but can you blame me with a skirt like this?

Worn Sun, Apr. 4, 2010:

cardigan - Dynamite (2008)
blouse - Dynamite (2010)
skirt - walmart (2009)
flats - Aldo (2009)

Worn Tues, Apr. 6th, 2010:
tee - Urban Planet (2010)
jeans - Dynamite (2009)
bracelet - Juicy Couture (2008)
heels - Madden Girl (2007)

I also got the proofs for my grad photos recently :) This whole being done thing is really staring to sink in... just 3 more exams and that's it. Crazy.
Maybe I should do that whole studying thing andmake these last few exams count...

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