Silver Style Sisters

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My grandma Bluma and her sister Pearl were best friends. They would chat on the phone for hours on end and always lend a helping hand to one another. My grandmother even had a box with Pearl's curls from when she was a little girl and she'd talk about about how her sister was a wonderful piano player. I always admired their relationship and how they would recall the good old days while cooking or visiting the library(Bluma's favorite place).

When I saw the two women above they immediately reminded me of my grandma and her sister. They walked arm in arm to the bus stop and when I asked for a photo, The lady in white proudly exclaimed " My sister is 91 and she has always been the fashionable one." You could tell how proud she was of her sister for aging with so much vitality, which I'm sure was enriched by their special bond. They also reminded me of the Steinberg Sisters who I met in Brighton beach last Summer, best friends who share a love for fashion and design and live in the same building one above the other.
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