Lindis Pass - my magical place

Monday, March 22, 2010

OK. I'm completely hi-jacking my Music Mondays post on the Gorillaz because I really wanted to show you some photos of a mystical, magical spot on the South Island of New Zealand. I promise to get to my music sensibilities next week, however I was perusing my NZ photos and shots of this place kept bringing me back.

Lindis Pass is nothing special, really. It's just a mountain pass between Queenstown and Twizel. But ever since I saw a picture of the bleek hills and winding roads in a guidebook TEN YEARS AGO, I've been strangely drawn to the place.

Finally in December I got to experience the pass first hand as we drove in our $2 SUV on a gorgeously sunny day up to Twizel.

Again, the pass is just a bunch of rolling hills of dry tussock grass. But just like I have been drawn to the deserts and the craggy bare peaks around Palm Desert, so am I drawn to these. I guess growing up in a wonderfully green place, surrounded by acres of tall trees, there is something novel and whimsical about mountains in which you can actually see the ground and every waning nook and cranny, every fold, cavern and cliff.

In this case, the grass is browner on the other side.

Heading there, leaving the Queenstown area

Taken from the speeding car - took my breath away

M-Patt checks it out

Passing through: out of Lindis Pass and onto the flat plains on the other side. Next stop, Twizel.

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