Knit to Aid to Need to Knit

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

FashionHotMess began teaching herself how to knit in Spring with the vision of a FABULOUS thick pink scarf being the first piece created attracting complimentary admiration...

The vision is still there, the scarf however, still nowhere near completion...

Inspiration to finish and keep on knitting has been boosted by the latest campaign by Designers Against Aids whose latest concept is Knitting Against Aids together with gay - lesbian federation of Antwerp and Belgian HIV and STD awareness...

The aim of the project is to promote World Aids Day December 1st 2009...

Start knitting a fabulous scarf which will be be auctioned off along with creations by famous fashion designers and artists in Antwerp to raise funds to the cause in the week before World Aids Day which will be modelled by celebrities...

If the Famous Fashion Messes are doing it ...

So then will FashionHotMess do it and get back to knitting!

Get out your needles and get knitting messes!!! : for more info


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