Obligatory Blog Post

Monday, October 19, 2009



Comment #6 (as chosen by random.org) which belongs to= GOURMAMA! Congrats! Contact me to claim your prize (love your name, btw :)

Thanks to everyone who entered! I'll be having another Forever 21 giftcard giveaway this Friday so be sure to check back then for that awesome contest.

Speaking of, I won't actually be doing any posting this week until Friday. I've been feeling very "blog" uninspired lately which I think is because I have been feeling very "fashion" uninspired lately which I think is because I've got my sights honed in on other things at the moment.

This also explains why I haven't really been around to visit your blogs lately. I am sorry for that - I know the blogging world is very reciprocal and that half of you would forget about lil' ol' me if I didn't make the rounds but to be honest with you I don't have the time and the time I do have is spent on other things. SUCH AS:

* My novel. I am at over 30,000 words now and 40% of my goal, which is awesome in some ways. But also reminds me that I have 60% to go! And I have one month to do it in....because....

*In one month (and a day) I leave for New Zealand. AAAAAHHH! I was so busy planning this trip in Sept and August....then I started writing the novel and I totally forgot I was going anywhere. I mean, I have blinders on and all I can think about is my story. That is a GREAT thing mind you, because I have an ADD mind that is easily distracted and easily loses interest in things. But on the other hand, I also easily get obsessed and consumed by things and I am embracing the fact that I am being consumed by my novel at the moment.

*This Thursday will also mark the one month of my writing - remember the 30-day challenge I started? For nearly 30 days I have IGNORED the fact that I am NOT a morning person (seriously - I am NOT a morning person...Night Owl all the way) and gotten up at 6AM to write for an hour before I leave for work. This of course hasn't happened on the weekends, though I have still managed to write, but it at least has stuck to the weekdays. Funny thing is, since I get up so early now, I've found I'm turning from a Night Owl to a ...Day Owl...Are there even Day Owls? Anyway, with each day I start off writing, I am more inclined to write the whole day (well during down times at work at least) and I find my creative juices are flowing full tilt.

*What else? Oh yes, Halloween! Success!! I have my entire Leela costume now, INCLUDING the homemade Cyclops eye. It works and everything and looks awesome, though I am starting to think this might be the first Halloween where I don't look attractive lol. My eyes are my best features, right, so when you cover up both my eyes and replace it with one big ugly cartoon eye, well...let's just say I've got nothing on Leela herself. Oh well, the point is that the costume is hilarious.

Oh, I have got to show you these vintage "Angel Dust" album cover boots I am loving these days. I got them from this excellent Etsy seller. I can't remember her name at the moment but I will link to her on the next post. I've got a pair of AMAZING "day of the dead" vintage red pumps from her as well - will show them off next post for sure (also look for my Portland ghost adventure and "Inspired By: Mike Patton" and "Inspired By: Smashing Pumpkins" posts too).

Also, this dress was for sale in my store but I decided to wear it anyway. No longer for sale! Only problem is my DAMN HIPS! I hate how clingy dresses ride up when I walk...doesn't help at all that I have a small but long waist. And an ample behind. Thank god for tights.

Dress + Necklace: ASOS
Leather Moto Jacket: Vintage
Boots: "Angel Dust" Vintage, custom-designed
Bag: Ringspun

OK, well I am off now to start booking the remainder of my New Zealand trip...I've got LOTR tours to book, Dolphin swimming trips, flights, rentals cars, hikes, you name it. EEEEK! One month of work left and then one month off of work =)

See you all Friday and congrats again to Gourmama!

PS _ I was also wondering if a few of you readers could help me out - I've got 106 followers, apparently, yet my comments are at a all-time low (another reason why I am not posting as much because it literally feels like no one is reading this).

My sitemeter readings are not reliable either so can any of you followers let me know if my posts are actually popping up in your feeds when I publish them? Because it really seems like all of my followers are A) dead B) given up on my blog (why?) or C) just aren't aware of my blog posts.

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