Forever 21 E-Gift Card Giveaway

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for all your compliments on my homemade Leela and Zapp Brannigan costumes on the previous post. I am tres excited to wear them again on Halloween :)

Just a few quick updates:

*My novel is buzzing along. I just finished Chapter Nine last night and clocked the entire novel in at 53,430 words so far. AMAZING! And while Chapter Ten has just started, I've already brought the count up to 57,080! I'm 23,000 words away from my goal and very excited.

Actually, just writing that now, I think my novel is going to be over 80,000 words which is perfect.

I'm used to writing articles or screenplays (have degrees in Journalism and Screenwriting) so this novel is a whole new direction for me but it's one that I am so glad I took a chance on. Even if nothing comes out of it, I've never been happier than when writing my story.

That's not to say it isn't challenging. Being a writer is like being on a constant emotional rollercoaster. One minute you love it, the next you are sinking to the lowest lows and doubting your ability to write anything at all.

What I have found though - what works best for me - is that I look forward. I rarely read what I have written and just keep plodding my way. I know there are some plot holes and somethings that are happening that I have no explanation for, but instead of worrying about them, I just keep writing and you know what? It works itself out. I think once you trust and know your characters they'll end up taking places you didn't see before.

*Super excited about New Zealand too - the trip has been on the backburner because I have been so devoted to my story but every now and then I remember that I am actually going back and not just dreaming!

*That said, with the upcoming trip and my busy schedule (plus constant bouts of illness) I have decided to close Wanderlusting Style Store on November 1st. So if you want to buy something do it NOW! I appreciate all your support with buying my items and I thank everyone for their patience as I've had quite a bit of bad luck with shipping and in many cases end up paying more than what I was paid for but as long as everyone gets their stuff and is happy with it, then it's all good.

But please, come visit the store before November 1st and I'll throw in another item (of equal or lesser value) in for FREE!

I WILL re-open the store in January - but that doesn't mean everything that is listed now will be available then. A friend of mine makes awesome jewelry and I want to showcase her wonderful gems (she designed my header too) and I have tons of more stuff to list but like I said I just don't have the time to deal with it right now.

OH right. The giveaway!

I'll be sending one lucky winner a $25CDN E-Gift Certificate to Forever 21 - all YOU have to do is comment on this post by answering this simple question:

What movie scares the crap out of you?

OH YES - and if you LINK to this post (let me know, natch) I will enter your name in an extra two times. That's right!

Here is my latest, favourite Forever 21 purchase - a kicky green peacoat I picked up in Portland. Tax free! God bless Oregon.

BTW - FELLOW KIWIS - Faith No More tickets are going on sale shortly for the Auckland and Wellington shows in February. Soundwave Festival in Australia sold out for FNM in eight minutes! Be sure to get those tickets while you can. That's an order!!
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