Looking back

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Now, last month (summer solstice to be exact) I went to Salt Spring Island, my favourite summer haunt out of my 27 years on this planet. We've belonged to the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club for as long as I've been alive and this is one of their outstations. I don't know Salt Spring any other way...when I had time, we would all sail the boat over but now that I work, I take the ferry to the island and join my parents who have already sailed the boat down. Sometimes we would rent out the club's cabins when I was younger...and I am happy to announce we will be doing that again next month!

Anyway, with places as rich as this one, it's amazing how many childhood memories flood back, and no matter how old you are, you can't help but reverting back to those tried-and-true, carefree ways of youth on vacation...I know I did. This is what I love about Salt Spring...

The view from the ferry going over

My favourite gelato: Wild Rose...you either love it or hate it. It tastes like real sweet rose soap, but trust me, it's gooooood!

The famous Salt Spring Saturday Market

Having some drinks at a dockside bar

One of my favourite bookstores...oh, the freedom of imagination

Playing ping (beer?) pong at the Clubhouse

Our boat, a 55-foot Jeanneau

Reading old InStyle magazines and remembering how Scarlett and that yellow dress made me crave yellow everything

Making friends with every horse I see

Going on a dingy adventure to a nearby island (with drinks, natch)

Playing on Arbutus Trees

Exploring the old cabins and feeling a lifetime worth of unbridled creativity and hope flood my brain...I am reminded of the days I spent just writing stories in my head, drawing pictures and flipping through endless books and Archie Comics.

Being docked - such a community, a neighbourhood (that's our boat from the front)

Playing in stranger's yards

Admiring local real estate...and views.

Stopping at local artist studios



Red wine, rice crackers, local cheese (sooo good) and local red pepper jelly (again, so good) - think this is my favourite meal ever.

Ceasers (the drink) for lunch

Watching the ferries past by until it's the one you must leave on to go home :(

I apologize for all the pics but I just had to include my faves that I feel really convey a sense of what the place means to me. I wish I had the words to go more in depth with this today, but pictures are worth a thousand words, as they say...

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