
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yes folks, it appears I have been missing in action for the last few days but not to worry, I am alive.

I'm just not well. My fantastic wedding weekend produced two epic hangovers which then morphed into a flu which has had me more or less bed-ridden for the last two days.

I feel terrible since I've alread had so many sick days from work and also extremely worried because my 10K race is on Sunday. Yup. I have NO idea how I am going to pull that one off. I'm too weak to run or exercise so my hopes are that as long as I do my strength training and my physio stretches, AND if I feel 100% by Saturday, I should be able to do it. Here's hoping! It would majorally suck to have four months worth or training and angst go down the drain. Damn you body!!

Anyhoo, I will put up pictures from the weekend tomorrow or Friday (they are on my work computer) and focus one some other tidbits today.

First of all I want to thank MizzJ for the lovely award!

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

A package from eBay came today - so it was lucky I was at home sick to receive it - and I'm fairly impressed with my findings. I didn't take photos of everything (though I will) but I got a sweet La Rok motorcycle jacket, a nude 3.1 Philip Lim blouse and a Chloe lilac sweater adorned with chains, among other things.

The most amazing find was this Liliu seafoam tissue-thin leather jacket.

I snapped it up for an amazing $19 which is even MORE amazing when you factor in the fact that the tags show it's real price: $1080!!!

Now why anyone would pay that much for this jacket, I am not sure. All I know is that I got a fab deal because it has lots of "shock-wear," such as discoloration on the shoulders, faint stains here and there, etc. But I expected it to be a lot worse than it was so all I can say is how very pleased I am to have such a sweet leather jacket in one of my most favourite colours in the world (note to Designers out her: please make more seafoam green stuff! I mean, it says it's Aqua but in person it is very much seafoam) - how delightful for spring!



I had to go out to the store today to get some more cold meds and protein shakes, so I slipped that on over my new Calyso tank top, Hudson jeans and new Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent sandals - matched perfectly!


Also have to mention I got Daisy Chain Dreams' Eiffel Tower necklace in the mail today and I LOVE it! Big props to Daisy Chain, and kudos for the nautical keychain too - I'd been meaning to get a new one since my Hollywood Tower Hotel keychain broke recently (totally not worth the $10, damn you Disney!)

Hope you're all having a bright and sunny day as I am! Just minus the flu, of course...
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