I want CANDY

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I apologize if that song is going to be in your head for the rest of the day, because it sure is in mine now.

Yep, so I was most definitely craving sour candies yesterday and practically raided 7/11 for a bag full of them. That and a slurpee. Sugar free slurpee, no less, cuz I had to do something to make up for my spontaneous dental damage.

It goes without saying that I am off my diet now. I was sick a lot of last week and lost my appetite, which was wonderful in a sick way (ugh) because it enabled me to use it to my advantage and drop a few more pounds. I mean, I was sick and couldn't run or spin so I had to do something.

Anyhoo, I'll be going back on the diet next week and from now on in, just trying not to eat much. Candy binge is an exception. Thing that bothers me is that after losing the initial 8 pounds, my weight started to swing up there according to the scale anyway (and no, I never did throw out my scale). I feel slimmer though - although no one else notices - so I guess that's what counts.

Anyway, point is, the battle isn't won yet. I would go back on the diet ASAP however I have a wedding to go to this weekend and that would totally throw it all outta whack. Might as well keep up the excercise, try not to overindulge and concentrate on the Sun Run. Yeeeees. The Sun Run which is in like 10 days or something. Sigh. Don't even wanna talk about it!

Back to Candy! Yummy Lemon Zingers!

Sweet and Sour

Pockets for candy

Slurp slurp SUGAR HIGH

Any Swedish Fish in here?

Get away from my candy!

Weather has been beautiful here. It's almost unsettling actually, to walk about with your bare arms flailing(speaking of bare arms, mine are totally not ready for this....slowly coming to terms that I'm gonna have Linda Hamilton's arms instead of Linda Evangelista's). Anyhoo, not complaining, just happy I can bust out of the house in the morning and not worry about which jacket to take. Still rocking the tights though...it may be warm outside but my office is still a perpetual freezer!

Any favourite candies? I'm partial to the sour key rings and cherry blasters. Oh my.

Clothes: Linen skirt and tank: Forever 21; Shoes: Kate Spade

PPS - For those who wanted a better look at the bag, here ya go:


HAPPY 26th BIRTHDAY : YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING PERSON I HAVE EVER MET AND I AM SO MIND-NUMBINGLY LUCKY TO HAVE YOU IN MY LIFE!! It's about time you joined me on this slippery slope towards 30.


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