I survived!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Vancouver Sun Run, the world's largest (or 2nd largest) timed 10K race, was yesterday and I am proud to say that not only did I do it, but I did in a better time than I thought I would.

It was tricky though - having a flu all last week, meant I wasn't exactly 100% yet and I hadn't trained or run for a week before the race. Also factor in my disability, my physiotherapist's warnings and the fact that I have really short legs - Oh and the most that I had run before was 6K.

But anyhoo, I pulled it off somehow and my bf and I ran under the finish line in 69 minutes - and we didn't stop running ONCE.

There were times when I definitely wanted to stop and rest, or stretch, or walk for a bit but my bf wasn't having any of that. I remember at the 4K mark, looking up (yep had to go up) at the Burrard St bridge and thinking about how far away it was and then being even more alarmed that the Cambie St bridge (the way to the finish line) was so far beyond that you couldn't even see it. And the slopes going up to the bridge were killer!

It took an hour though of waiting for the race to start because we had 55,000 people and you don't all just run at once - you run in waves. And once you start running, you have to avoid running over people who are walking. It's the Sun RUN people, not walk and if you do walk you are supposed to do it on the left but barely anyone was doing that. So you really had to negotiate the crowds carefully - many a people got bowled over. Also, some people were running with strollers and ramming them into people. So annoying!

Anyhoo, we finished the race and were immediately sore, and then had to WALK 5K back to my apartment! Arg! I was so exhausted when I got home that I plopped down on the couch and didn't move all night - hurt too much!

Is laziness a medical condition?

Wasn't too thrilled I had to get up at 7AM on a Sunday but BOOYA!

Lines for the porta potties at the start were long

The line to race was even longer!

After an hour we finally get to the start line lol

Chariots of Fire played from the speakers for that first 1K

Heading over the Burrard St Bridge - 5K down, 5 to go!

Putting on a brave (red/sweaty) face

Huzzah! Done! A very proud and exhausted moment

Walking home past this cool mural I always drive by - cool place for a photo shoot

Today I am super sore and can barely walk, so I sought out comfy flat boots and paired them with a Missoni cardigan and my leather jacket (again, leather and Missoni go so well together!):


Leather jacket: Vintage; Cardigan: Missoni; Tank and scarf: Forever 21; Skirt: Twelve by Twelve; Boots: Vintage - Oh and LOL at the Blogger display

Anyways, SO glad that is over with but I will still keep with running at least once a week (maybe not this week) and do another 5 or 10K sometime in the future.

Don't forget to vote for your favourite outfit (see previous post BELOW) and you can win a FREE ASOS dress - I will draw names at random tomorrow afternoon so get in there!!! There might even be a special second place prize, depending on how many people enter :)
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