Fruit Punch

Monday, April 27, 2009





Sandals: my new Matt Bernson Nouer III - so summery and bright, I love them!; Bag: Coach; Everything else: Forever 21

On Sunday I got up nice and early (for the second Sunday in a row) and went to spin class. I am so happy they are now offering the classes on the weekend because weekend workouts are the absolute best - even if it means you can't sleep in. I used to just lie in bed forever but these days if I am semi-awake I know I should get up and get the day started - you get so much out of it that way. I still sleep in when I can but if it gets past 10:30 AM, I start to feel guilty (a lot different from my college days when sleeping in till noon was the plan). I honestly think getting up earlier on the weekends has also improved my overall sleep for the entire week - I guess it's either that or the near-constant workouts!

Energized from my workout, I got home and started tearing apart my closet - today was the day I was going to haul my winter clothes to my parent's house and take back my summer stuff (as well as sort the clothes I am to giveaway to friends at Eyeliah's clothing swap party and give to charity).

It wasn't till I arrived at my parent's house and went into the storage room that I realized how much clothing I had. I mean, I knew I had shirts that I just didn't wear anymore, or never wore, or were gross, didn't fit, etc. But I totally forgot about all of my legitimate summer stuff which I moved out there last October. Dresses I had totally forgotten about, which were promptly coming home with me.

Of course, I had bought a lot more dresses between October and now, so my newest biggest challenge is trying to fit them all in my closet when my closet was already way too full. WAY too full!

Did I mention that I had the sweetest dream the other day? In my dream, I reorganized my closet and realized it was a walk in! Then I woke up, saw my actual closet and almost cried.

But there IS hope on the horizon. After spending the afternoon at my boyfriend's parents house (up the street from my parents) and lounging outside with that Rum Punch in the sunshine, I realized my potential move there in July wouldn't be all THAT unbearable...especially after revisiting the bedroom we will be staying in and its epic closet-space :)

In the meantime though, I impulsively bought an iTouch (my last hurrah of online shopping). I had actually been meaning to get one for a while since I needed a music player and I loved the idea of having iPhone apps without having an actual iPhone. But most of all, I really wanted the closet organizer app (thanks to Cupcakes and Cashmere for the tip!). Remember last month when I took photos of all my clothes and wished there was some way I could make this turn into Cher's closet doohickey from Clueless? Well, now there is! I can't wait to try it :) it might change my life, me thinks :P

And speaking of online shopping, my ban OFFICIALLY starts on May 1st, but it has more or less already started. And let me tell you...this is SERIOUS business.

Yes, I had shopping bans before, which - like restricting diets - only leads to binges. So I am not banning shopping in general. Like I said, if I want new shoes then I need to get my ass to Aldo and buy them. Laziness will prevent 90% of all my shopping though.

So I am just banning online shopping - and really avoiding all online retail sites. I have even written out a sworn oath to God that I signed and my boyfriend witnesses. Sounds extreme, but when I've sworn to God, I don't dare piss Him off.

Sadly enough, this is already hard. Just looking through magazines I see stuff that I could have bought had I known about it, but now I can't. And it JUST started - it really will take the grace of God to get me to last till July 1st. But I can do it. I MUST!

Ah, check out the nice views from the yard of my future temporary home - watched this bratty crow annoy this bald eagle for a good hour or so. Sigh. I love BC!


By the way; question for you readers out there: How do YOU organize your closet? Is it a mess, stuffed to the brims (like mine) or a calm and soothing sanctuary, organized by colour? (for the record, mine is stuffed full, but in my actual hanging closet I try and put pants together, skirts together, tops together, dresses together and then in colour order - but it rarely lasts like that for more than a day :P)
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