Sunshine, on my shoulders, makes me happy

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thank GOD something does at a time like this....

Leather jacket: ASOS; Floral ditsy dress: Mina UK; Suede flats: Juicy Couture; Flower earrings: Johnny Loves Rosie

As you can see we've been blessed here in Vancouver with one of our driest Februarys ever. I've seen people whipping out the shorts and flip-flops, and while I think I'm not quite there yet (the sandal-wearers are no doubt from out East where this probably feels like summer to them) I am starting to break out the spring prints and lighten up on my jacket load.

For example, I got a new real leather jacket from ASOS in olive green. Not a typical colour for me but I'm already amazed at how neutral it is and how the olive gives it an earthy, military appeal which I always appreciate. And at $66, it was quite the bargain!

Today arrived a pair of these Pour La Victoire sandals from Revolve Clothing(thanks Marta!) and I can not wait to pair it with absolutely everything this summer.

Not only do they distract and almost hide my ankle scars, the pleasing coral shade makes your legs less-stumpy (a side-effect of my beloved ankle-tie addiction) and will look amazing with a tan. Not that my legs tan, but anyway.

What else is new? Well I've decided to take up a bunch of different measures to combat my weight/mental problem.

First of all, I dropped my writing class. Sad, yes, but I can't handle anything extra in my life right now. I've already missed one class and will just fall behind and even thinking of having to be SOMEWHERE is making me freak out. Total anxiety attack. So, I have deffered the class to later this year when I will be in a better state of mind to do something new without feeling overwhelmed.

Second of all, I started taking Omega 3s. So we shall see what happens. My heart will thank me, at least.

Third of all, I went to the doctor but she was SICK. Ironic, huh. Anyway I will be heading back to her on Friday so I can discuss the possibility of:

St. John's Wort. It works well for mild depression and I always wanted to take it however it renders Birth Control pills obsolete. Which is fine now BECAUSE....

I am off Birth Control Pills, as of yesterday.

Yup. I've been on them for 12 years and I realize I need to get off them.

Not only do I believe these pills have made me moody and nutso, decreased my sex-drive, made my skin worse, made me increase my water retention, make it impossible for me to lose weight, increase my appetite, BUT I also have not had my period in one full-year. And I don't care how many new agey doctors say we don't need our periods, I NEED MINE! This is not right, it's not natural and I want these damn hormones out of my body before they do anymore damage.

So yes. As inconvenient as it will be to use condoms and such, it's worth it. I plan to go off for at least 2 to 3 months and then I'll look at other options. Perhaps an IUD or a less volatile pill, like Yasmin.

I actually feel quite relieved at this decision for my parents and bf for months have been tinkering with the idea that my tiredness, depression and weight are all tied to not having the monthly visit from Aunt Flo.

I'm not sure what changes will happen - and I realize I may be even crazier now that my hormones are adjusting to the last 12 years - but I think it holds part of the answer.

Finally, I bought the book "The 4 Day Diet" by that doctor from Celebrity Fit Club. So far, it makes a lot of sense.

It's a misleading title since you won't lose weight in 4 days. In fact, for me, it's gonna take 10-12 weeks to lose 15 pounds, give or take. But it's like a bunch of different diets that are all 4 days long. You go through different phases that tackle different problems, which I think is genius because your body can adapt pretty quickly and by mixing it up you always keep it on it's toes.

Anyhoo, still reading it but I'll let you know how it goes.

PS love the new blog layout? Kass did it and I couldn't be happier :)
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