Brown N' Blue Bday

Monday, February 2, 2009

Nope, not MY Birthday, my blog's birthday!

Anywhere But Here is officially three years old today!

What a long, strange journey it's been - I can't believe that I actually committed to something for that long. I mean, with me I go through phases so when I started this blog I thought it was just something stupid I was doing for Journalism school and that I would grow bored of it soon.

And yet, here it is. A strong feature in my life, three years later.

It's been with me at the start of one relationship, all the way through its thankful demise. And then the start of another...and

It has brought me minor fame and fortune. My adventures in celebrity to my adventures in mediocrity.

It has seen me write about more personal topics such as my sex life, to more frivolous topics such as fashion.

It has seen me through Journalism and Film School, through working as a video game tester to working a thankless and demanding job.

Through buying my own apartment to...well, I'm still here, but not for long! But my boyfriend did move in and we have been living together happily in my 430 sq foot place, so that's something!

From travels like sailing across the Sea of Cortez, to New Years Eve in Paris, to flashing my butt in Italy, to teaching English/drinking/almost having an affair in Spain, to Boxing Day in Scotland's Castles to family times in Palm Springs to Hawaiin Bliss and Disneyland.

Controversial musings on society to stuff that's just stupid (I don't like Ice Cream but....

Watching friends come...and bitches go.

I've been stalked and harrassed by some readers (43 comments!) and have had the pleasure to meet others.

Funnily enough, going back and reading all I have written over the last 3 years, I can't help but think I use to write more interesting stuff. It just seems like I used to have a lot more to say - and I do think that was true.

But I also used to blog for a more selfish reason - I wanted validation. Now, I feel like I have validation, I get it from my job, my family and friends. And of course, the man I am with, who - unlike the previous guys - makes me feel sincerely validated every second of my life. I guess...I'm just happier now. Less to complain about, which in the end, is a good thing.

And all of my insecurities and ranting which I have gotten off of my chest have brought me into the hearts of those bloggers who have meant the most to me. Though, sadly, many of my old favourites have stopped blogging, some are still around...and I hope for awhile:

KarinaXOXO - My namesake and party soulmate

Rachel - The London-based version of me

Vegas Princess - my dear friend and one of the first blogs I started reading, 3 years ago!

Eileen Dover - Always makes me laugh and you were a great source of advice when I needed it. Actually, you always are!

Indy - You're a classic - if only I was in Singapore!

Memphis Steve - You always make me smile

Kass - you don't count cuz I met you before you blogged. But I still wish you were here!

- Your blog is a breath of fresh air - and the painting I have of yours was a wonderful gift for my mom.

Peter De Wolfe - where are you man?

Wombat and Scorpy - two cheeky Aussies you'll never forget, you were both there from the beginning and it makes me happy to see you both occasionaly raise your head. I also know you won't mind being lumped together like this.

Mitch - you're always honest - and I'm glad we're friends, least not for the fact that my ex dumped me because I went for coffee with you. For that, I am thankful :)

- I miss your insight...please post soon!

Rachel 2 - you are sassy and funny and honest and I hope you still read me!

Steph and Sipwine - you ended your blogs awhile back and both are truly missed

And to all my readers who weren't there from the beginning, I look forward to another three years of (hoping to) keeping you mildly entertained!

And keeping with my blog's new direction - and it's just a new direction, nothing fundemental will change and I still want Todd and Steve and Dan to read so perhaps I'll start wearing skimpier clothes ;) - here is today's fashion choice for my Blog's Brown and Blue Birthday (holy alliteration!):

Navy Cardigan: F21; Scale-print Jersey Dress: Uttam @ ASOS; Blue Shiny Tights: AA; Leather boots: Vintage (Ebay); Gold Dice Earrings and Wood + Gold Ring: ASOS; Stone Bracelet: Las Ramblas stand in Barcelona; Amber Bracelets: Store in Tallin, Estonia; Bleary 8AM Face: Me

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