The Bright Side

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I don't know that much about fashion designers. Of course I know the big ones and the up-and-coming ones and am slowly finding out about the ones in between. But I don't know much about what they stand for, what they are known for. If I did then it would be much easier to keep up with the ones whose looks speak to me.

Not that it helps, really. I mean, I couldn't afford it anyway. But looking at what Elie Saab does and what he produced at the S/S 2009 show, I can't help but want to covet his line.

Dreamy, pretty, romantic, gorgeous, soft, etheral, moody, these are looks that I immediatley drawn to. They are feminine. They celebrate all that is dainty and nice. They make me think of heroines roaming the moors in classic literature (though I'm sure Katherine would have been wearing something dull and practical whilst doing so). They emphasize my good points (waist) and float nicely over my bad bits (everything else).

These types of clothing and designs are only one part of what speaks to me (as you may recall from my wardrobe challenge last year, I have many styles that I covet) but it speaks loudly, especially as we head into the warmer months.

So for you fashionistas I ask, are there any other designers like Elie Saab or Marchesa that you think I might enjoy?


I'm still mixing it up with brights these days! Gotta keep that spring feeling alive :)

Knit blazer and bubble hem dress: F21; Shell necklace: store in Venice, Italy; Boots: ASOS

Cardigan, tank top and belt: F21; Skirt: unknown (bf's sisters); Boots: ASOS, Bag: Mat & Nat; Coat: Bebe


Though the recession has not been really affecting me per se, a lot of people I know are getting laid off which puts seeds of doubt in my head. I like my job and more than that, I NEED my job, so it worries me that I could follow the same fate.

I work hard. Not as hard as I should, I admit, but I get things done when they need to be and I tend to do a good job. Yes, there will always be a slacker in me who needs to feel intense pressure before things get done but I accept that and do what I can to get better at just DOING it. At any rate, I did worry that perhaps one day I would get laid off too, feeling like my position is expendable and that I wasn't appreciated. I've never been appreciated at a job before...

But that all changed Tuesday when my boss called me into her office and apologized for all the shit admin crap I have been doing lately, she assured me that it was only temporary to help with the merger and that I would be doing more exciting stuff later. She told me that I won't stay a marketing assistant forever and that I will move up in my role through the company and she hopes that I am here to stay.

I told her that no matter what, I enjoy working here and I am just purely grateful to have a job.

Then further good news came in the form of the new budget that the government put together. $20 billion is going towards Infrastructure, meaning that my line of work (engineering)is going to profit from it. It was big, happy news here at the office Tuesday and it left me feeling relieved that not only was I appreciated for my work here but that the work I was doing would continue to come :)
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