People who annoy me to no end

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Numero Uno: Katy Perry. Nothing rubs me the wrong way more than this chick. Maybe it's because she can't sing. Maybe it's because people say she looks like Zooey Deschanel, when really Zooey was around first and if anything Katy looks like a less talented version of her. Maybe it's because she tries WAY too hard to be this retro sexpot....actually, just tries WAY too hard in general. Maybe cuz she reminds me of a girl that I really don't like. Either way, as my friend said last week when she was in town, she really needs to be thrown in a dumpster.

I hate John Mayer to no end. His songs are all sweet and happy but from listening to him in countless interviews and watching him plow through countless girls, this guy is just a big, fat-headed pig. And really, he has a FAT head. Look at that thing!

I met Kirsten Dunst (so did everyone in Tsawwassen actually when Jumanji was filmed there) and at the time she was a cute, shy 12-year old with a snaggle-tooth grin and delicate features. Now she just looks like a bum. Like a real homeless crack addict, all transluscent skin and bones, a cigarette hanging from her lips, a hunchback and attire that makes Mary-Kate Olsen look like Jackie-O.

Chipmunk-faced, talentless slut. Complained about getting a porsche on her 16th bday because it was "used." Bite me, Miley.

I don't even know who this grumpy guss Kristen Stewart is. All I know is that she was in those trendy Twilight books and its equally suck-ass movie. Now I see her all over the red carpet and I just want to ask her, how life could be so bad? Is posing on the red carpet tough? Chin up, sweetie.

Yeah OK maybe I am jealous of Alba's hot body...even more so now that she can just bounce back from pregnancy while here it's taking me forever to lose a few a pounds. Then it was brought up that Alba sucks at everything in life and her only thing is her hot body. Therefore is she doesn't have the body, she doesn't have anything. I also hate her because she can't act worth shit, keeps getting cast (even though no one even shows up to the film anyway) and she's a total bitch. The gossip is true. She is a twat. She filmed Dark Angel here for years and everyone I know that knew her said she was a cunt back then...can only imagine how bad she is now.

Ugh. Cameron. First of all, I don't think you are very nice. I heard that you are the voted the worst celebrity to give autographs. I also remember that you like to yell at fans and punch the papparazzi. You also try to act like you aren't 35 (new years resolution is to wear a bra), you aren't aging well and your movies suck. Bring back that girl from The Mask...she was hot AND funny. Oh wait, that was you.

She is the new face of "LA" according to the LA tourist board or something. Nothing could be more fitting. Here is someone who got famous for no reason other than being rich and hot and now has her own over-priced and BORING clothing line, which would have never happened had she not been rich, famous and hot. At least Paris Hilton was born into a semi-famous family. Conrad was just lucky.

I read Perez, yes. I also HATE Perez. The minute he got famous, he stopped writing objectively about celebs and started favouring the ones he is paid to favour. He also started writing about himself - I don't freaking care about who you met on the weekend, that's not why we read your blog. Plus I know you're gay and all you want rights and shit, but give it a rest. The world does not revolve around what YOU believe in.

Fight the fight but don't be a hypocrite and hate on those who don't agree with you. Boycotting Sundance because Mormons live in Utah and Mormons voted against Prop 8? Writing a letter to Obama (whom you kissed ass all summer long) because he needs to "smarten up" and make gay marriage legal? Then slamming Obama because the gay bishop's speech was cut on HBO? Can't you be happy with anything? Oh wait, you think because you're some fat blogger you can change the world to suit YOU. Most of us are just waiting till your 15 minutes are up.

Audrina only became the new "it girl" and "hot bod" when she got ridiculous breast implants last year. Nuff said.

I know that saying I don't like Angelina Jolie is like saying I want to kill puppies, but she annoys the crap out of me. Is she gorgeous? Hell yah. Can she act? Sometimes. But this "holier than thou" shit and "I'm gonna save the world by adopting every kid I see" isn't fooling me. First of all, how many kids do you need? Poor Maddox has to deal with a new brother and/or sister every year until who knows how long. Maybe enjoy and cherish each kid for awhile before you go and adopt the "newest darling," I mean I give more love to my handbags before I go out and buy another. And for goodness sake, make up with your father...I've met Jon Voight and he is a nice, nice man!

I miss the old Angelina, the one who would cut herself, do heroin, wear blood around her neck, make out with girls and was a general badass. You can't go from that to "Saint Angelina" in a blink of the eye. You know that one day she's gonna snap and I can't wait to see it.

Douche. And I hate your show just because of YOU. Ari Gold is the most vile character on TV and I would maybe give props to your acting talent because of it but I have a feeling that you aren't acting. You ARE Ari Gold and therefore the biggest douche around.

Honorable mentions: Andy Dick, Rosie O'Donnell, Spencer Pratt and Heidi, Beyonce, Jessica Simpson, Kayne West, Madonna, Avril Lavigne, Ellen Page, Megan Fox, Katherine Heigel, Evan Rachel Wood, Celine Dion, anyone too political, Ashley Tisdale, Paula Abdul, Matthew McConaughey, Teri Hatcher, all the Scientologists and Michael Cera (quit being a diva and just DO the Arrested Development movie already and I'll take you off this list).

So....who annoys you lately?

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