That Christmas Spirit

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yup. CHRISTMAS spirit! Put that in your pipe and smoke it - call me "un-PC" I don't care. It's called Christmas because it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Christ...Mas...

Yes, it is a terribly commercial holiday but regardless of whether you are a Christian and celebrate it on a religious level or are aetheist or whatever, it's still a time of giving and great food and folks dressed up like Eskimos (yes, also not PC). And it is still CHRISTMAS!

I have no qualms telling people Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. Yes I am Christian but it is a Christian Holiday and after how many thousands of years now, I don't why people raise a stink about it now.

After all, we don't call Easter "Bunny Day" and we don't call Hannukah "Candle day(s)" - I understand that non-Christians despise the fact that it celebrates the birth of something they don't believe in. But if that's the case, WHY ARE YOU CELEBRATING IT? And if you still want to celebrate the "festive season" instead of the religious aspect, that's great (after all I think the majority of people don't celebrate it as a religious event) but DON'T think that you can change the name of a age-old, classic holiday because it doesn't suit YOUR beliefs.

Christmas is what it is - a time of joy, thanks and merriment. It should be enjoyed by everyone from all walks of life and beliefs because at its heart it celebrates human spirit and charity which I think everyone can relate to. But it's still called Christmas and in my mind, always will be.

*End Rant*

*Start of New Rant*

F*&*^*&ing Christmas!

Sigh, it brings out the best and worst in people.

For example, a huge snowstorm hit our province, British Columbia, AGAIN over the weekend and as a result my bf and I were snowed in at his parents house in the suburb of Tsawwassen. This meant I didn't have to go to work which was great but it also meant that at some point I was going to have to drive from Tsawwassen and back to my apartment in the city.

We had seperate cars so we both left yesterday at roughly the same time. Even downtown the roads were icey and dicey and buses were being pushed up hills and shoveled out. I managed to make it into my parking lot. But not to my spot. You see the parking lot had over a foot of snow in it and was not plowed or shoveled at all.

Slippery roads and tire-treaded tracks I can handle in my little Neon wih all-season tires but not a drift of snow. So after spinning the tires, revving the engine and smelling burnt rubber, I finally kinda made it through the whiteness and where my spot should be.

Meanwhile, my bf had packages in his car so he was going to park in our loading zone and unload them. The zone though was also snowed over so he parked in this clear space. He left a note on the dash stating he was in apartment 301 and left his cell number. After helping me with my car (pushing it) we went upstairs.

He got ready for the hockey game he was going to while I opened the window to listen to the streets filled with the sound of tires spinning and snow flying. Then I heard yelling.

Some woman in the parking lot below looked like she was trying to get into the space where Mike parked. She was screaming into a phone, telling someone his license plate and talking about tow trucks.

I told Mike he better get down there ASAP and move his car.

So he went down and I watched out the window. Mike moved his car out with not much effort while she took literally 10 minutes to pull into the spot he was just in. Tires spinning. Snow flying.

When he came back later I asked him how it went. He said while he was walking to the car she stopped him and asked him if it was his car. He said yes and tried to explain that he parked it there while he unloaded his stuff and was now going to move it.

Well she wouldn't even let him finish. She flipped right out, cut him off every second, used "fuck this" and "fucking that" every second word. She didn't believe he lived in 301 with me and wrote down my name and his and our apartment number. She said if she ever saw his car around the building she would have it towed. She said he didn't understand the severity of his actions.

His actions? He parked in another person's spot because the loading one was snowed in and only for 20 minutes max. He moved his car the minute she arrived. What's the freaking big deal.

I hope this bitch shows up at my door to complain because I am going to rip her a new vagina. Most wonderful time of the year indeed. Where is your Christmas Spirit, bitch?

Luckily there are nice people out there who redeem the bad ones. Like this morning. My bf had to park on the hill last night and this morning he couldn't back out without his tires spinning and without bashing into the car in front of him. Well after we tried aimlessly to shovel him out, laydown cardboard, etc, in below freezing temperatures, a man who was watching nearby came to give us a hand and push his car. Then he gave us some salt and a better shovel and soon enough my boyfriend was on his way.

It's nice to see that though a few bad apples out there can ruin the season, there are always others who want to change your mind.

Now I'm off to work after I've spent an hour myself trying to shovel out of my lot. Wish me luck!


I have a very special favour to ask all of you.

It's Christmas time, the time of thanks, a time of generousity and a time of compassion.

My boyfriend's talented band, The Saints Collapse has recorded a few Xmas songs with 100% of all proceeds going to the British Columbia Children's Hospital.

This is very dear to me because the BC Children's Hospital took excellent care of me during the first six years of my life - the hospital also took care of my Bf's dear sister when she had cancer (Lymphoma) at 11 years old. Thanks to the hospitals care and to generous donations from people like YOU, we are both the saucy young women we are today.

So please - go visit this website and donate. The donations are via Paypal and you may donate as much or as little as you like.

In return you will be able to download their Christmas songs - currently available is an amazing rock version of Carol of the Bells and a dreamy version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. The band has done a wonderful job bringing this classic songs to a new light - and regardless of whether you enjoy rock or not - they are a great addition to the holiday season.

So please, donate, download and listen. Let's bring Xmas cheer into your home and into the hearts of BC's sick children!!!

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