Day 5 - Worst . Day . Ever

Friday, December 5, 2008

Wraparound shirt and pearl necklace: Tommy Hilfiger, Gold bow earrings, Leather and Gold link bracelet, Tweed zipper pencil skirt and Suede Belt (on coat): ASOS, Navy BF Cardigan: Forever 21, Wool camel Coat: Vintage, Leather boots: Bata

Today was American Classic. I like this look a lot and had a lot of things in my wardrobe that I could work with - therefore the look did not contribute to my horrible, horrible day. Well...OK, just a little.

I knew that my car insurance had to be renewed soon but it wasn't until late last night that I realized it had actually expired that day! All the autoplan/insurance places were closed and I realized I would have to go before work the next day. Problem is, I work at 830 and none of the places within walking distance were open until 9AM.

Normally I don't have a problem being late for work for a good reason - and this was one - but I was the only one in the marketing department in the office all week long (hellish week, by the way) and I felt extremely guilty for not being there for the first hour. Anyway, I emailed my boss (who is on business) and the receptionist and let them know I would not be in until 10.

Then I realized something else. I was supposed to start a new Birth Control pack on Wednesday night - I was too lazy (fuck I'm a moron) to go and get my pills and decided to leave it till Thursday night where I would double up (yes, I know, bad, spare me the lectures...but I've also not gotten my period for six months, another problem indeed and no I'm not pregnant but I am also not ovulating which is weird but gives me a little more leeway with the pill) ANYWAY that was my plan.

So last night I am about to go to the drugstore when I realize I don't have my prescription (mind you I went to the drugstore last week and also forgot the prescription) and then couldn't even locate my prescription. My doctor had printed it out on a large sheet of paper, the prescription was typed in 7 point font in the corner and thus I must have thought it was a blank piece of paper and chucked it in the bin.

And now I'm really freaking out because I'm already late with taking it AND now I have to go back to see another doctor to get yet another prescription. Where exactly am I going to find the time to do this when I've already got one appointment in the morning?

Anyhoooooo, so morning comes, and I am exhausted, my brain so foggy, despite the 630 AM jog. I put on my American Classic clothes, excited to wear the pencil skirt that just came in an ASOS box.

But then I have ANOTHER problem. My bank account was in the negative, which meant that I didn't have any money to PAY for insurance. Now, this was something I saw coming and I was supposed to borrow money from my mother to cover this. She gets paid every 5th of the month. Only this morning, her payment did not go through.

Still, I had no time to do anything about this except SCREAM as I had to go to the doctor, so I walked there as fast as I could. And by WALK I mean WIGGLE. This was the first pencil skirt I've had that had ZERO stretch to it. Which was fine, I made going up stairs a challenge and I was unable to stride along with my boots.

Until, suddenly I WAS able to stride...


Yup, as I am going to the doctor's, my skirt rips up the back. Apparently my ass and hips could handle that prison no more and demanded FREEDOM! And freedom they had.

Luckily, I had my coat on so I was able to cover up the embarassment but it was still devestating as I really loved that skirt with it's zipper detail AND it meant I had to go back home and change into something else.

The doctor's appointment went a little more smoothly - she reassured me that my non-period was probably due to the fact I was super strong pills - but what was good is that she recognized my concern over this. I don't want to get pregnant and probably never will want to but it has been weighing on my mind that something COULD be wrong with me. Anyway she mentioned if it was a concern, I could change pills (nah).

I also asked her about my brain fog. She told me it could be a number of things such as constant stress, diet, etc...even spiritual confusion. She said that last one quite a bit and me being spiritual, thought it could be a sign. Either that or she noticed how red and puffy my eyes were. Yes, I had been crying all morning...why? Hard core anxiety over just these inconveniences of the day.

She wrote me a prescription for my pills though. And also, a prescription to watch "Joe Versus the Volcano" - apparently that movie is to get me thinking clearly...I'm confused as to if I should take the prescription to Rogers Video.

Anyway, so after the doctor I had to go back home and change and the wait for the money to come through and transfer it to my account AND THEN wait for that money to appear in my account. Then I hightailed it with my illegal car to the auto place where I recieved the only good news of the day (I've been driving for 10 years now so I get a discount, yay). Then I vrooomed to the drugstore where I had to wait even longer for my prescription to be filled.

In the checkout I picked up a copy of American Mind magazine, with the words "Procrastinating Again?" on the cover.

I arrived at work two hours later than I said I would and three hours later than normal. Ten minutes later I found out I left the lights in my car on.

And here I am - feeling a bit calmer after having eaten but finding it hard to concentrate on anything really, hence why I am writing this now. I realize that I had several hard core panick attacks today with hysterical tears and screaming and that just isn't normal, I don't care how complicated the day has been.

It got me thinking about my life lately. The words that come to mind are DARK, FOGGY and TENSE. I'm not sure what needs to be rehauled and what doesn't - I know I have made some starts by eating more veggies, jogging in the mornings and not buying more clothes. But money still is a major problem, I am so disorganized with my life, my apartment is too small, too dark, too cramped, I am tired all the time and too LAZY when I get home to do anything but sit on my ass and my brain is bored. Plain bored.

My BF and I are gonna sit down tonight and come up with some solutions to these problems and hopefully get my life on track and my head to a place of peace and clarity. It will take some time though so I will let you know each step of the way!

BTW - This was my last outfit, but that didn't stop me from ditching American Classic after the skirt ripped and sliding into another attempt at ROck and RoLL!

Dress and Spike necklace: ASOS, Tights: Emilio Cavallini, Pony-Hair Booties: Manolo Blahnik, Cuff: BF.

One more thing: I will be taking in you votes via comments on your favourite look this week on Monday's post, so be sure to look for that. Two winners will be chosen from a hat for a chance to win awesome samples and cool earrings and will be announced Tuesday or Wednesday. See you Monday!

And of course....

In other news....I have a very special favour to ask all of you.

It's Christmas time, the time of thanks, a time of generousity and a time of compassion.

My boyfriend's talented band, The Saints Collapse (whom you hear streaming now on this blog - or I am trying to get to stream, grrr) has recorded a few Xmas songs with 100% of all proceeds going to the British Columbia Children's Hospital.

This is very dear to me because the BC Children's Hospital took excellent care of me during the first six years of my life - the hospital also took care of my Bf's dear sister when she had cancer (Lymphoma) at 11 years old. Thanks to the hospitals care and to generous donations from people like YOU, we are both the saucy young women we are today.

So please - go visit this website and donate. The donations are via Paypal and you may donate as much or as little as you like.

In return you will be able to download their Christmas songs - currently available is an amazing rock version of Carol of the Bells and a dreamy version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. The band has done a wonderful job bringing this classic songs to a new light - and regardless of whether you enjoy rock or not - they are a great addition to the holiday season.

So please, donate, download and listen. Let's bring Xmas cheer into your home and into the hearts of BC's sick children!!!

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