Mysterious Picture

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I saw this photo a while back and couldn't wait to post it. Often times when people send in comments I will go and check out the blogs they have been writing for. This particular picture comes from a blog called laurejune. The only thing is that she hasn't begun to blog yet. She writes, "
Paris, France
... I wasn't born with internet but it's fabulous ! Though It would be nice to have stories to tell here, have an audience at last (I've been trying to sing but), I'm not ready for blogging yet. Meanwhile, I'll share my favorite blogs with you. Et un jour je me lancerai sur la toile comme dans ma folle jeunesse, je ferai de ma vie un roman!!!
Hopefully posting this wonderful picture will inspire Laurejune to share her stories. What is great about blogs is that you can blog about anything, even about how you want to start blogging.

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