She works hard for no money, so hard for no money

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Man, it feels like its been forever since I have written in this thing. But what can I say, if you read the last post, you'll know just how busy I have been.

Somehow, as daunting as it seemed, I tackled and completed my school WEEK OF HELL. It's all behind me now, thank God, but for shits and giggles you can view two of my projects: A fake distribution company and a fake marketing plan for a fake movie which HAD to be called Broccoli -

Of course I just HAD to do it blogstyle, which inspired a lot of my fellow classmates to make their own blogs. And I am happy to say, my teacher loved it too - in fact, he was howling with laughter and called his wife after my presentation to tell her all about it. Once again, last minute projects pay off for (did I mention I did them all in one day?)

So that was that. I am not done school just yet as I have a couple of night classes with regards to career building that will be conducted the week after my internship. Then followed by a graduation ceremony/dinner on the 25th. And then, somehow, this horribly intense four months of school will be....over.

Meanwhile, I am doing my internship.

I like it. I enjoy the people and am doing all sorts of research stuff like calling newstations in Akron, Ohio and trying to acquire footage from the 2003 Blackout or calling Hydro companies and inquiring about shooting locations in their control centers, or going to the library and researching schematic drawings of D-4 and C-45 transport planes. You know, the usual. Not to mention compiling the best database ever of every television broadcaster, and the contact information for every credited director in Canada. Soon to come (at my own prompting) will be script coverage and analysis.

But while I am showing up everyday and working hard for 8 hours a day - UNPAID - while desperately broke and unable to pay bills, I can't help but be a bit disheartened that there is a lot of emphasis on my only being there for two weeks.

See, I was hoping that this could possibly lead to long-term employment. But all I hear is, "Well, when Lusty is gone in two weeks, we'll need to get more help" or "This is lusty, she's helping us in development...for two weeks" or "I'm not sure if you need keys since you will only be here for two weeks" or "I'm not sure how much research you can get done in two weeks" or "Since you'll only be with us for two weeks.,..yadda yadda yadda I GET IT!" I mean, these people KNOW I am actively looking for employment, have expressed interest in getting help from them to find me employment - and then they complain about how overworked their junior development girl is and how hard its going to be for her once I leave. WAY TO RUB IT IN MY FACE!

Of course, it doesn't help that in a seperate department of the company, they took on a fellow classmate of mine as an intern. And pretty much told her if she works hard, she'll have a job. WHAT ABOUT ME?

And then there is another classmate who did her internship in craptastic Toronto. She started at the distribution company on Monday and ALREADY she is Director of marketing and PR, is flying to LA this weekend to promote their new film and going to Cannes Film Festival next month where she will be selling the film and arranging parties for famous people.

I mean....gah. I have no words. And she deserves it, she'd be really good at it. But it seems a bit unfair, that she with no film or corporate business (she was a waitress) is suddenly...SUDDENLY...doing so well.'s just not fair. And I know this cuz here I am, dying for a job in the business while everyone else seems to get things handed to them. Some people have awesome luck that totally benefits their lives. What's my luck? Being on Inside Edition or witnessing a bank robbery. Nothing useful, just weirdass strange occurances.

But...I'm trying not to complain or shake my fist at God too much - cuz it doesn't work. What I am doing is just barreling down, making the most of my internship and praying that SOMEDAY my hard work and talent (yes, I have that too) will pay off. I know I have said this for what seems like many, many years, is not buts. This has to work out, one day.

And as such, I have actually volunteered for another internship for the week after I am done this current one. It's with Insight Films which is kind of a big deal and once again, it probably wont lead to me being hired or anything. But I am hoping, just hoping, that eventually all this FREE hard work I am doing will pay off.

PS thanks to Rachel and Charm School for their Ebay winnings! Hope you enjoy them!
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