It's almost May...

Monday, April 21, 2008

So someone please explain.....


Now before any of you start making Cold Canada jokes let me remind you that the above also happened all over Washington state this past Friday - and normally we only see snow RARELY and in January. NOT IN APRIL! And not when the rest of the freakin' country is breaking out the sandals and shorts.

Honestly, I don't know who to blame or get angry at. I've tried shaking my fist at God but he just shrugs like somehow Global Warming is OUR fault or something. SHEESH!

Anyway, as you know I am a boot-wearing gal so I decided to embrace "Spring" and wear a dress and sandals on Friday to my bf's rawk show. Little did I know, the MINUTE I got in my car and drove to his house it started to HAIL. And then while we were at the show, it started to snow. SNOW. In April. In Vancouver which should be at least 20C (70F for ya yanks) at this time of year. SNOOOOOOOOW!

But despite the snowy weirdness and my shaken faith that the weather will eventually get better, the rockstar and I headed out to the Washington State town of Bellingham to use a free hotel coupon and eat at the Olive Garden. Luckily it was sunny (though fucking cold) and the night away from the city did us a lot of good. It's amazing how just a night in a hotel, even if it's near your own place, is so rejuvenating. And though I had been to Bellingham many, many times before (or should I say I've been to the mall, many, many times before) we still took some time out to explore the cute historic town of Fairhaven where silly photos took place.

Did I also mention that Josh is back in town and rooming with me?

It's a bit difficult at the moment because I am so damn tired from work that all I want to do is sleep - and Josh is the essence of a night owl. But we make it work.
I mean I know he is really trying to be as quiet as possible at night but I can still hear him through my earplugs (remember, we share a room - cuz my apartment is just that)plus when the light is on, I just can't sleep. I really wish I wasn't such a light sleeper. Thankfully I bought a new sleep mask and stronger earplugs so lets hope they work so I can at least get a good nights sleep for tomorrow.

Today was the first day at Insight Film Studios and I was so unbelievably tired - though that might have had something to more with going to bed completely and utterly stoned last night. Anyhoo, the internship is OK though its a big studio so I feel kind of lost and unimportant - the last place I was at was much more personable and smaller and I know they really appreciated me. I miss them already!

Also, at the new place I have a feeling that they think I will be working for longer than I thought I would be - I heard them mention "throughout the month." Lemme just say that the MINUTE I get a job, my free labour days are done.

And because I have a meeting with a producer tomorrow morning, a job might be closer than I think. At least I hope so because with my EI clock ticking down, I may just have to take a temp job as a last resort - hell, anything with money is a good thing.

But I'm not going to go into too much more of this since you've already heard it...instead, let's talk about SUMMER and all the exciting concerts coming up.

So far, I am going to:

1) Mark Knopfler in July (Dire Straights)
2)Jack Johnson in August
3) Radiohead (woot) in August
4) Potentially STP in August (double woot)
5) Potentially NIN at the Pemberton Festival in July

What shows/concerts are YOU excited about????
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