So sue me!

Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm just gonna come out and say it:

I don't like babies.

I don't think they are cute (generally, there have been exceptions). They scare me. They are so soft-headed and fragile and snivly looking and cry all the time and I don't what to do with them. So I stay away.

Does this mean that I would love to drop-kick a baby into the street (like Dave Chappelle, lol)? NO. But it does mean that if I see a dog and see a baby, I will ignore the baby and go coo over to the dog.

Am I fucked up? Possibly. I also don't have any maternal instincts, or a very low variety of them anyway. I don't think having children is vital to a happy existence and I can't stand smug mother's who tell me, "Oh you must have children, it's the best thing ever." I know that their kids have made them happy but they shouldn't push their politics on others. I AM the one who decides what makes me happy.

I know a lot of people who don't know if they want kids, a lot of my friends who - like me - don't think babies are cute. To quote an articulate friend of mine, "It's ridiculous how women expect each other to share this universal maternal instinct. I find that new mothers get SO offended when I don't want to hold their babies, or I don't immediately comment on how beautiful he/she is. They all look like Ed Asner to me." I know people like my own mother is very supportive of my choice to NOT have kids (if, in the end, that is what I choose). Even though I am the love of her life, she herself does not think that children are necessary to a great life.

Anyway, I'm not set in my ways. I know that when I am married (or not) and 35, something might kick in and if it does, yay for me. But it's not my goal in life to have a child and I think I will be quite happy without them, if that's how things go.

That's just me. And I should be able to believe in that without being bombarded by angry women (so please, angry women, don't bombard me).

For example, a friend of sorts on Facebook just had a child. Weird-looking little thing (it's a newborn, they aren't cute to me, sorry) but there was one picture of the three of them that really was sweet. And the newborn was even looking at the camera - I don't even know if that's possible at that age. But it was and it was a lovely picture and the baby looked sweet.

So I commented: "I don't even like babies... but this is actually really cute. Yay family!"

And some friend of their that I DON'T EVEN KNOW comments after me: "What kind of a person doesnt like babies? Ummm anyways... GORGEOUS!!! SHe is just perfect!"

WHAT KIND OF PERSON? A person like me...oh, I guess that means a heartless, cruel, devil-worshipping cunt, right? Did they not even read my comment? I said that THIS baby was cute! That means a lot coming from someone who doesn't like babies, it's a huge compliment! Where does someone I don't even know, come off with saying stuff like that?

Listen up, you women out there. Just because some women happen to not think babies are cute and aren't going gaga over them, doesn't make them bad, heartless and uncaring people. It just means I don't like babies! I'm sure I would love my own and think it's the bomb, but other than that, sorry! It's just the way I am. And I think people should be allowed to be just the way they are without getting some snide, condescending comments from people who don't agree.

That's just my two cents.
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