I can learn a lot in seven days...
DON'T think you'll never have to learn what the receptionist does because she says she never gets sick and therefore the chances of having to sub for her for the day are nill. Because one day, she will get sick and you will freak the fuck out because you have no idea how to do shipping.
DON'T go on dates with guys thinking that just because you say you got out of a serious relationship they'll know it means you just want to be friends. They don't want to be just friends. They just want to do you - or worse - want an actual relationship. You have only yourself to blame when you freak the fuck out and run for the hills because you can't handle any more complications in your life.
DO trust your instinct. If there is something about a guy that is off-putting and makes you feel uneasy - even if you cant place it - go with it. Chances are there is a reason for your intuition and you don't want to stick around to find out.
DON'T start your night by saying, "hey I haven't been drunk for a long time." You will get very, very drunk.
DON'T get very very drunk when you are still mourning over a past relationship. You will end up walking home alone at 3 AM and crying your eyes out to all the bums and drag queens on Davie St. They will provide very limited comfort.
DO be glad you deleted your ex's number from your phone otherwise you would have drunk dialed him and told him how much you still miss and love him instead of telling the random bums and drag queens.
DO realize how vulnerable you still are and that despite your troubles, you are still you and your morals have not changed. DON'T try to be something that you are not and don't put yourself in situations that expose your vulnerability - protect yourself.
DO accept the fact that your family is your family and there ain't a thing you can do about that. They won't change. Accept it.
DON'T drink and Facebook. No good can come of it.
DO make plans with those people from elementary school that you haven't seen in 20 years but realize that 20 years is a long time and once the novelty wears off, you most likely have nothing in common with these people. You CAN have too many friends sometimes.
DO realize that some people just can't grow plants.
DON'T miss the season finale of LOST. You will kick yourself afterwards, especially when you discover your computer is too slow to download it and you may have to go the whole summer without knowing what happened.
DON'T stop eating in general just becuse you've found it's the quickest way to drop 5 pounds. One day, you will get hungry again.
DO start eating breakfast again. A morning jog followed by not eating till lunch is not healthy.
DON'T wear hair extensions that are in bad condition. You have very lovely, soft hair - you don't need a rat's nest of crap to muddle it up.
DON'T blog about work too much because there is always a small chance that someone you work with could stumble across your blog. Hasn't happened yet but I wouldn't be surprised.
DON'T bitch about your work - and a certain executive - to a fellow blogger while in Starbucks because you never know if that said executive is actually at the counter ordering a drink.
DO pretend you don't see him and steer the conversation elsewhere as quickly as possible. Do breathe a large sigh of relief when you realize that he has only been at the counter for a few minutes and for the last few minutes you have been talking about relationships and NOT work.
DO keep busy and have lots of fun-filled days with tons of different friends. But remember to make time for yourself as well.
DO feel accomplished for giving up coffee, soda and binge drinking for a month - especially at a time that would more than warrant it. Extra kudos for going for jogs at 630 AM.
DON'T start drinking coffee again if you hate it. Caffeine is good if badly needed - otherwise drink things you enjoy. Like Matcha Tea Lattes. Yum.
DO feel a bit nervous at the fact that an 18-year old boy will be living in your one-room apartment with you for a few weeks.
DON'T get drunk around the 18-year old boy.
DO realize that you are still gonna have good days and bad days and when the good days start to outnumber the bad days, you know you are on the right track to healing. Also remember that time is a bitch.
DON'T underestimate the power of forgiveness. It doesn't mean you are weak, it means that you realize how unhealthy it is to hold a grudge. You don't have to forget, but you can forgive.
DON'T ever apologize for being you.
DON'T beat yourself up for telling everyone that you are doing OK - and believing it - only to find yourself crying later. Crying is good. Let it out and move on.
DO be proud of yourself for getting through four weeks of a broken heart. Yes there will be more weeks to come - but you've survived this far.
DO plan on making June - and the following months - the best months ever. Respectfully close the lid on May, accept it for what it was and don't look back.