It's all about perspective

Thursday, February 22, 2007

With so much of what we do, so much of what we experience in our lives, it all comes down to perspective.

Over the past few weeks, I have changed some of my perspective on things, important things like myself, my life, my choices, my feelings, my soul...

Maybe sometimes we feel like we are stuck because we are not looking at things properly, or are still looking at things the same way. Thanks to your wonderful comments on the previous post, I can see that everything always depends on how you look at things. How you see the world.

I stumbled across this blog, Courage my Love, today and read a post that made me cringe a little when I realized what "City of Angels" she was talking about. Read on:

"When they ask me what I liked best, I'll
tell them it was you." City of Angels

Yesterday morning I woke up, grabbed my camera and
skipped out into the beckoning day to
search for poetry before brunch. This statue
caught my eye as she has such striking wings - they
look like hands and are so expressive.
I discovered a dusty little cafe with sunlight
that streamed through the old floor-to-ceiling
windows framed with purpled velvet theatre
curtains. I saw a couple standing at a crosswalk
- the girl kissed the man on his neck and he turned
to burrow into her as the light changed to green
and they did not withdraw from their embrace to cross.
I noticed the sun fell all about them but on the other
side of the street was the cool morning shade.
I found a strange little shop with Moroccan treasures
in this window and when I went down the little winding
steps to the bright red door there was a note that said
" sorry - gone for tea and toast please call me on
my cell if you would like to join me."

The morning felt like a small and perfect beginning so
i decided it was the first day of the rest of my life.

While reading this splendid post, I couldn't help but feel envious. Where is this city she talks about? Why don't I have dusty little cafes and moroccan trinket shops where I live? Why does what I want always seem to be elsewhere?

It wasn't elsewhere. This was a Vancouver blog and this city she was talking about was my city, the city I sit in right now as I type this and eye the street below my window.

Maybe if I open up my eyes and look around for once, I too will notice that everything I need and want from life is right here. Maybe I won't. But changing your perspective on things, even if it's just in the town you live it, probably won't hurt a bit.

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