She's baaaack

Friday, January 5, 2007

Well, barely. I'm currently coping with a surprisingly mild case of Jetlag (I say this now but just wait) and the fact that it is snowing outside. Not happy white flakes but slushy, Vancouver crap. Would have been fine and dandy had this happened over Xmas, but noooooo. Happy New Year, here is some shit snow!

Anyhoo, I feel moderately bad about not updating this blog, but now that I have returned to my sedentary life, I fear I won't have much else to do. Except excercise and diet my heart out (I brought 10 pounds back with me as a souvenir, as expected), do my schoolwork and keep to my resolutions. I normally don't make resolutions since they all end up being a load of crap anyway, but this time I thought I should make some "2007 Goals." (That should read as goals for 2007 and not that I've made 2007 goals for myself, because, let's face it, that's a bit extreme).

I know you are all dying to hear about how I fucked up another one of my trips but I'm afraid I just may dissapoint you. Not a single thing went wrong (well except for one thing, but it wasn't my fault...ha ha, Ross), but that doesn't mean I don't have a shitload of pictures to show (almost filled up my 1GB memory card), tales to share, shopping conquests to brag about and ....yeah, that's about it.

So over the next week or so expect lots of wee and large posts about my adventures abroad (no Ross, it's not a copyright infringement)...I can't promise any of them will be worth a glance but fuck it, take a peek anyway.

From the beginning....
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