Best Post Ever!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Three reasons:

Drunk College Girls.

I kid, I kid. It's not Girls Gone's Journalism Girls Gone Wild!

I know that there a few people out there who might kill me for doing this but, come on! Don't be a spoilsport!

Today I was doing some very adult things...running to the market, applying for jobs, contemplating my future. And then I remembered, fondly, how easy life was in college. Ah, those were the days when I would work on essays the night before, drink during class, get trashed every weekend, spend book money on US Weekly. Yes, we had it all...

The following is a photo collection of my last year of university. We were the hard-working (snicker) students of the Bachelor of Journalism program and this is our story:

And don't worry. Apart from the occasional dildo, these photos are all perfectly presentable and safe for family (or work) viewing.

And I'm gonna go unplug my phone in case some journalism grads decide to send me death threats.

Nah. The truth is I miss these girls and our hard partying ways. Living in the real world, and dealing with such things as Enty-Level Jobs and Mortagages get in the way of letting loose every weekend. While I understand that we all grow up, a part of me will always miss those carefree days when we never knew we had it so good (all you people who are still in University and complaining about it, enjoy it while you can...I know you've heard this a lot already - I sure did - but once you leave school and you start "real life" - whatever that is - you'll realize how easy peasy school actually was).

Would I want to live it all over again? Probably poor liver would never forgive me...and I couldn't sit through another class of Research Methods (not that I ever did). But would I love to spend a few nights with the J-Girl Posse? Hells yes! When you graduate you lose touch with people as everyone becomes scattered all over the place. At least with blogs and the net you can keep in touch. So if any of you girls are lurking out there, give me a shout! Even if it is to reem me out for posting a drunken photo of you (hell, I'm drunk in all of them).

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