A Writer's Retreat & Five Things

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Back to reality.

I can't bask in the glow of David Copperfield's love child forever, nor can I go back to complaining about lack of opportunities in my life. I've decided to do something about my stagnant state...

For the next few days, I won't be blogging. I won't have any access to the internet, to my cell phone, to television, to friends, to anything.

I've decided to be proactive and do something with myself.

I'm leaving tonight for Galiano Island, a Gulf Island located an hour's ferry ride from Vancouver. I'm going to a wee resort and am renting a cottage for three nights. I'm bringing my schoolbooks, my computer (again, no internet) and me, myself and I.

I think one of the reasons why I am having trouble starting my writing is that there is too many distractions in my life at the moment. Friends, boyfriend, family, job hunting, blogging, emails, etc. All of these things have been capturing my attention and giving me reasons to procrastinate.

The solution? A solo voyage to an island somewhere, where all I have to do is write, read, walk and be alone with a box of wine.

I'm hoping that I return on Friday refreshed and rejuvenated, with pages of writing under my belt and a school assignment or two completed.

Of course, I realize that this was Jack Nicholson's plan in The Shining as well, but hopefully I won't be terrorizing the other resort guests with an axe and chasing them around a hedge maze. Would make good writing material though...

When I get back though, you can bet I'll entertain you with tales of Scottish Castles, New Years Eve in Paris and Our Night at the Moulin Rouge. I promise!

But for now, I will leave you with the blogosphere's Five Random Things About Me:

1. When I was nine I started to read the World Book Encyclopedia books from front to back. I got to letter G and quit...I think I was 11 years old at this point and realized it was stupid. However, I now have a handy repetoire of useless information that I like to spring upon people at impromptu moments ("Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds?"....wait, that's from Jerry Maguire).

2. I horseback rode competitively for 12 years. I even had my own horse for a year or two, Lady, but she was the devil in disguise. I ended up quitting riding at age 18 when I the horse I always rode, Diva, suddenly died. Though she and I didn't always see eye to eye (can't have two divas in the ring) she was a great horse and her death made it easy to quit. I recently bought new riding pants though and am looking to start up again, when I can afford to spend $200 a month on lessons or a half-lease.

3. In a pinch, I have a hard time distinguishing between left and right. I feel this is a product of falling off a horse one too many times.

2. When I was 13, I decided to become a paleontologist...no doubt brought out by my inane love for the movie Jurassic Park. This went on for many years and I have a wide knowledge of dinosaurs now, including all the different types, the periods in which they lived in and the world's best paleontologists (Robert Bakker, etc). However, once I realized that I would need to know math in order to do a science degree, I pushed that dream aside. Math blows.

1. I was given laughing gas at the dentist when I was 10 and it was my first experience tripping out. I haven't been to the dentist in years because I know that they want to pull out my wisdom teeth and I want to prevent that for as long as possible. However, I also made it my new year's resolution to go to the dentist this year. I know if they gave me laughing gas again I would be over there in a shot.

I guess I'm supposed to tag someone with this (as in they have to do it too). Hmmm, I pick Kass and Robyn.

All right, that's it, I have a ferry to catch.

Wish me Bon Voyage!
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