Lisa it's your birthday, happy birthday Lisa

Monday, December 11, 2006

Yup. The rumours are true. My name is Lisa. Actually, that's a lie, but it is my birthday today.

That's right, on December 11th, 1981 I was born onto this Earth for some reason I am not sure of yet but hope to figure out one day.

In other words, I am 25. And I am old.

Yes, yes I know that 25 isn't that old...although I just got off the phone with my mother who said (with all sincerity) "Yup, you are getting up there." And I know once I get to 30 (AHHHHHH) I'll probably say "Why didn't I appreciate how young 25 really is." And I'll probably say that every birthday after that until the day I die. Unless they some how find out a way to reverse the aging process and my birthdays will start going backwards instead of forwards.

It could happen.

One of the weirdest things I'm finding about turning 25, or just getting older in general, is that I am still the same person. I mean, when I was 15 and looking ten years into the future, I imagined that I would act differently, think differently...that I wouldn't be me. And though I know I have changed a million times over, I still don't feel any different.

Anyway, it's not so much the fact that I am 25 but that I am 25 and nothing to show for it. Years ago, while looking towards my 25 birthday, I always thought I would be a published author (well, I have had articles published but that doesn't count...I'm talking more in a novely sense) or would have finally sold my first script. Or at least been in a career that was going somewhere. Or at least been in a career.

But alas, I am 25, unemployed and trying to force myself to finish my corespondance so I can recieve my damn Bachelor of Journalism sometime soon. I did have a "promising" job while I worked at the IFA and was the company's writer/editor and on camera "personality" but that turned out to be too good to be true and I quit/got laid off because my boss was a wretched human being. I did get a lot of experience out of it and for that I am thankful but how odd was it for me to follow it up with a temp job at EA Games working on NBA Live for Playstation 3. Not exactly a career-furthering move but I enjoyed it.

Still, I suppose another way to look at this is just to say my career is on hiatus. After all, there was no way I could get a job when I went to Mexico for 16 days, PLUS the fact that in ten days I am going to Europe for two weeks. Then when I get back, I have to study like a madwoman in order to finish my correspondance. After that though, I will be ready to re-enter the job market. Considering I am a slacker, getting a job is something I am oddly looking forward to.

Another thing is, most 25-year olds are already moving up the career-ladder and all that stuff. But when you think of it, they probably went to University straight outta high school and then went on to work a few "starter" jobs before finding their career grove.

What did I do?

I did one year of college and then said "Fuck this shit! I'm off to see the world!"

I backpacked, by myself, at the innocent age of 18 around New Zealand and Australia for 6 life-changing months. When I got back, I took up my first full-time job at a department store downtown and started going to Vancouver Film School for Make-up Artistry, Film Production and Screenwriting. The screenwriting bit stuck with me so much that I continued on my studies in that field and actually had a wee bit of a promising career going.

But after being slightly screwed over by a movie producer (the bastards), I decided a secondary career might be needed. Thus I was off to Auckland, New Zealand to obtain a Communications degree over a three-year period. But despite having the best year of my life and meeting some of the greatest people I will ever meet (Kelly, Titus, Meag I love you guys), I felt like it was time to go home. I hightailed it back to Canada on a whim and went to Journalism school in Craploops, BC. After slacking and procrastinating my way through the course (and taking a three month solo backpacking trip through Europe), I finally finished.

Or at least I should have, if only the stupid chairperson didn't tell me at the last minute "Oh, by the way, you are four classes short of graduating, not all your credits from New Zealand transfered through." The bastards.

So here I am. I guess when you look at it, if I had gone straight to University after high school, I probably would have a career, yes. But it would be a career I hate because, let's face it, who knows what they truly want to be straight outta high school? I still don't know. So in the long run, I'm probably better off just entering the "real world" now, because if I did it any sooner, I would have missed out on all my travels and adventures. And that is something I couldn't live without.

So to sum this long-winded post up? It's my birthday and I can cry if I want to. I wish I had something to show for these 25 years (aside from a wonderful boyfriend, fabulous friends, insane parents, amazing travels and owning my apartment)...but on the other hand, I wouldn't change anything for the world.

Awww, isn't this sweet? Someone from Post Secret wished me a happy birthday!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to tonight because I'm having a birthday dinner/drinks thing at Balthazaar tonight and am seeing some friends I haven't seen for a very long time. And, if any of you are reading this, I promise to buck up but only if you ply me with Kir Royales and get a fat, white Michael Jackson to sing me a song.

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