Things I Learned in Mexico

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I guess you can say I am a bit of a tease, considering on my last post I talked about how I would be incognito for a few days, until my return to Vancouver.

However, how was I supposed to know that despite not being able to pick up any wireless while docked at the resort (except those I was unwilling to pay for, bien sur), I would be able to access three wireless networks while anchored offshore of La Cruz, which appears to have no inhabitants (not on the beach, anyway).

The availablity of wireless in remote areas (and the non-availability of it in touristy areas) is one of the things I have learned during my 16 days cruising the coast of Pacific Mexico. The rest?

1. Even though beer is thine enemy because of it's bloat and weight gaining properties, it is silly to try and abstain from having a Modelo Light when it's so frickin' hot out and water just won't do. And I love beer. I honestly and truly do.

2. Mexican men will give you the once over...many times (usually followed by hooting and hollering) doesn't matter if you are wearing a sack, no make-up, covered in sweat, etc. This is great if you have low-self esteem and annoying if you have some. Hell, it might be annoying to everyone, basically because it doesn't seem to matter what you look like, as long as your waist is smaller than your hips, your skin is pale and your hair is any other color but black.

3. Mexicans are very friendly. Even though my mother says its because I'm blonde and young, I've found men and women to be very warm and I know others say the same. They have a real sense of family and hospitality down here, which I think is lacking above the border (and yes, Canada is above the border too).

4. I am not a fan of extreme heat. Personally (and I know I will regret this tomorrow) I would rather be too cold than too hot. Too cold? You just turn up the heat and pile on more clothes. Too hot? You strip down to your skivvies....and then where do you go from there? Get naked? It's still damn hot.

5. There is a reason that any normal human being does not live with their parents.

6. You can be in the most tropical, idyllic paradise in the world, but all that really matters is the company you keep. Therefore, it doesn't matter how nice it is to laze under a palm tree and drink margaritas, if your parents are there with you, it can go to hell in a handbasket.

7. You can't choose your family. Sigh. So you better just accept them and make the most out of it.

8. Just because you are in Mexico doesn't mean you are going to get sick from the drinks, food, water etc. In fact, you may just have the opposite effect (eeek).

9. You can try tanning yourself for days but the day you get color is the day you are sweating around town and wearing a shirt that will leave the weirdest tan lines.

10. I miss my boyfriend more than I would care to admit. In fact, most of the time here I have been sad because he is not here with me and visa versa. And yes, the old single "independent" me would scoff at this and remark "look at you, you pathetic little female."

However, the coupled and happy me says, "You know what, it's OK to admit you miss someone more than you would like to. I'm sure if I had a man who wasn't as loving and compassionate as my man is, I wouldn't miss him so much. I think it's more than a fair trade." That has to be the biggest thing I have learned so far.
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