Ah, what a weekend. Just got back from a wee road trip to Seattle last night. That was an adventure in itself as Ross and I caused mayhem and mischief at both borders. But before I blog about our smuggling ways, I should get on about Friday night.
Yes, Friday night, the first time I ever went to a gay bar AND saw a male strip show. We wanted to do something different for once, and this was about as different as we could get.
The picture taken above, is of Leanne and I in the bathroom (yes, they had a Ladies washroom at the gay bar) since you aren't allowed to take pictures in the actual bar itself (apparently you could out someone). It was kind of dissapointing since we wanted naked pictures of the stripper but I guess I could link you to this page and you can kinda get the idea (and I think that is actaully him).
Anyway, we were quite the giggle twins as we entered the Dufferin. We got a few looks from some of the men, but no one was like "get those two straight girls outta here!" For all they thought, we were probably lesbians.
The bar itself was a bit down at its heels, not at all what I expected. But laidback nonetheless. The stage was tiny and a bunch of tables were pushed up against it. The bartender recommended with take the front row, but we were happy a few seats behind. We weren't sure what to expect and if there was a possibility of being injured in the front row.
We sat next to Bill, a very drunk man in a flannel shirt who called me "Frank" and Leanne, "Joe." Before the show started, he got talking a bit about himself. He was 50 years old and studying Theology at UBC. He's an Aboriginal Indian, a devout Catholic who goes to Mass every Sunday and openly gay. He says that the church knows but he hasn't been kicked out yet. He then went on to dicuss the topic of his Thesis, and at this point he lost both of us.
We wanted the stripper!
Thankfully, Bill turned his attention on some guy (who happened to be a Protestant Minister...) and the show began.
The stripper came out in a fireman's uniform.
He proceeded to strip and dance around us.
He proceeded to light a fire on stage and rub baby oil all over himself.
He proceeded to bare all.
He could have poked someone's eye out.
We were very happy.
Although, at the end, I think it would have been preferable if he hadn't left on his black loafers and black socks. It kind of reminded me of a very fit and blessed, naked German tourist.