Stereotypically Stereotyped (?)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Since I am unemployed and putting way too much emphasis on getting a Halloween costume (not just any costume but something really cool...nevermind) I decided to scroll about the blog world as a way to take my mind of things. Things that aren't coming in time for Halloween...anyhoo.

I've always like Moxie's blog. She seems to know her stuff. So I was perusing her site when I came across this post.

If you are too lazy to go read it (though I think you should) it's basically about a girl wanting sex more than her boyfriend. She feels unattractive and useless, which is completely understandable, because we have been taught that guys should want sex all the time, and if they don't then it means they aren't attracted to you. It got me thinking because I've read a few blogs over the last few months talking about the exact same thing. It seems to be a sort of current epidemic, affecting women everywhere...

Of course, people's comments on this issue have ranged from sympathetic ("My boyfriend doesn't care for sex much either") to optimistic ("Try dressing up as Princess Leia in the gold bikini and add some spice to the relationship") to brutal honesty ("It sounds like you've gotten fat" or "He's obviously gay").

What's interesting though: let's pretend that none of those comments hit the mark.

Let's say that the "Stereotype" that men want sex all the time, isn't true.

Well... is it?
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