Look at the lovely Scottish things I now have. The funnny thing is, only one of them actually came from Scotland. The Irn-Bru (diet, of course) and the Castle Rock are both from a wee shop in Steveston which sells only British foods. We discovered it the other day after 4 hours of whale watching.
While The Lockharts patiently stood outside the shop, Ross ran around inside like a kid in some kind of store. To be fair, his family just came from Europe and Ross has been deprived of junk food such as Prawn Cocktail Skips Crisps, Pickeled Onion Monster Munchers, Salt and Vinegar Hula Hoops, Cadbury Curly Wurlys and a giant jar of something called Branston's Pickle, which looks like a brown, mushy marmalade with chunky cubes of pickled goods in it (apparently great on cheese!).
The only thing that came directly from Scotland is the Garter Belt.
His sweet mum bought it for me.
While I think the gesture is funny and cute, Ross and his sister, Cat, looked horrified at what their dear mum had brought me.
Yeah. Well, I like it.