Mommy Dearest

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The other day I went to the Aquarium. On the account of not actually seeing any whales in the wild, we thought it would be a good fix for those of us who were jonesing.
Of course, we no longer have Orcas at the Vancouver Aquarium, because their enclosure was small, it was cruel, they were unhappy, etc. But we do have Belugas who make a wonderful, if not fat and goofy, substitute.
It was a bit like a journey back in time. It was only our second date when Ross and I first came to the Aquarium, on a similarly rainy Sunday, back in January. And like our visit several months ago, this one was plagued by the same problem: The aquarium is packed with whining, screaming and disobedient children.
I think Ross and I bonded on that cold, wet day, months back when we "joked" about tossing children into the dolphin pool and/or shark tank. This say was no exception. Joking about throwing kids into harmful situations has become a passion of ours.
Of course, we aren't really serious. Well, atleast I don't think Ross is.
I, on the other hand...well.
OK. Here is the thing. I'm not very kid-friendly and I never have been. Yes, I've warmed up to the idea of children over the last few years, but...I've yet to feel any sort of motherly instinct running through my veins. Kids to me, are a very scary subject.
Maybe because I'm afraid I'll be a bad mom...or that having responsibility will hinder my get-up-and-travel personality...or that one day all the children in the world will turn on us "adults" and recreate the Village of the Damned. I'm not sure.
But I know I'm not alone in feeling this way. There must be other women out there who don't have that baby-yearning uterus, just as I don't. And I'm not saying that it's a good or a bad thing. It's just that while there are some wonderful wannabe mothers out there, there are also women who feel a bit more confused on the subject of procreation.
Would I like to have kids one day? Sure, maybe, I don't know, I guess we will see. One thing is for sure, I sure as hell wouldn't want one now. Think about how many times I've lost and/or damaged my cell phone, passport, keys, camera, plane tickets, wallet, credit cards and various other "important" items.
I'll probably wait until children come out with an implanted GPS tracking device. Oh, and while they are at it, they should create a child that doesn't whine, cry or beat you up. Then maybe I'll consider it.
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