Does he make House calls?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

First off, I would just like to let everyone know that I am alive and well. Thank you all for your touching concern and trying to get me appointments to see a Dr. House. I never got to see this Dr. House but the prognosis is the same:

I do not have a concussion. My head really is full of whales.

And stress, snot, crazy thoughts, perverted dreams, insecurities, angels and demons, hope, anger, fear, free coffee, pain, sex, Homer Simpson qoutes, a T-Rex song, love, and a few green peas I believe I stuck up my nose when I was four years old. Or maybe it was last week.

Anyhoo, if anyone is curious at all to what they may find in their own heads (I warn you, it's scary), check out the book YOUR DISGUSTING HEAD. It may also enrich and improve your life.

But yes, on a more serious note, I don't believe I have a concussion but just a combination of numerous things that lead to me feeling like I might die at any minute. Hopefully it will pass and not sneak up on me four years down the line, when I attend my high school reunion and pass out on the dance floor. This has always been a fear of mine. That and people coming up to me and saying "you look exactly the same!" Hmmmm. Actually, I think that might be a good thing.
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