Remember Mad Magazine? I used to have a giant collection of them, back in the ol' days. Well, technically they were my brother's, but somehow they made their way into my room...and into my heart.
Right. Well, this is Alfred E. Neuman, the "heart" of Mad Magazine, if you will (if someone at Mad actually does have a heart...didn't you see that episode of the Simpsons? What...mad...people they were). I'm not sure who Alfred E. Neuman is, or why he has such a stupid look on his face. But he's fond of putting on that half-assed smirk and saying: "What, me worry?"
That's kind of how I feel right now. A stupid look on my face and really without a care in the world. Cuz for some reason, I'm not worried that I'm officially unemployed. Oh wait, well I guess since I haven't "officially" quit yet, I'm still employed...but my heart tells me otherwise. And I'll soon have a ZERO$ paycheck to reinforce it.
But again, "What, me worry?"
Hmmmm. I wonder if Mad Magazine is hiring.

PS it took me forever to find a picture in which I looked "mad"...and this doesn't even do myself justice. That can't be right.