I’m pleased to announce that the party went off without a hitch. Instead of TVs falling over, mirrors being smashed and bottles being tossed out the window onto the passing dumpster divers below (all accidental of course), everyone was more than well behaved. In fact, the lack of drama was a bit disturbing. Have we all become such adults?

But as far as flatwarming parties/high school/university reunions go it was a lot of fun. I’m not sure how many people we had crammed in there at once (anyone have an estimate?) since a lot of you were going up to the deck. But it never felt TOO crowded. And China did an amazing job with the fireworks. I’m surprised no one had the gall to actually watch them from inside the pool (although Jace was more interested in going out-of-bounds to the roof).

I have a feeling that the deck got the brunt of the damage as my humble abode escaped anything major. There were lots of spills though, so thank God for hardwood floors. And my place did/does reek of stale brahma beer and mojitos. But the magic clean-up fairies did such a good job of putting all the empties away. Of course, one doesn’t have a party without finding random things the next morning…high school photographs in the weirdest of places, Tupperware containers of sugar, crazy doodles, tubs of hummus with pistachio shells in it, gigantic jugs of beer in the closet, 50 different types of downloading software on my computer, plastic cups with ineligible names written on them and my retired neighbour’s Rolling Stone CD (who by the way, was not the one-dimensional chap who was propped up in the corner).

But anyhoo, thank you all for coming, I hope you had fun and we should do this again real soon. And shame on those who didn’t come (and no, going away on vacation with your family is not a legitimate excuse).

The sky lights up over English Bay