Sometimes I only have to leave the office to realize I don't have the typical job. I was just sent to get the mail. Along the way I was able to peek into Mark Wahlberg's trailer. I also saw a dog dressed in a racoon suit. They were training him to walk like a racoon...I watched this for a few moments with a security guard who found it all too amusing. The other day, a loud explosion rocked our offices and the building shook for a few seconds. I thought it was an earthquake. Turns out they were blowing up Vampires for the TV series Blade in the studio next door.
I know when I first got the job, I was asked if I could call up George Clooney's manager. Well, that hasn't happened yet, but here are some folks I contacted today:
-Halle Berry
-Benicio Del Toro
-Patricia Clarkson
-Rachel McAdams
and, of course, Mark Wahlberg.
This week I also have to ring up Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, David Duchovny, Sam Mendes, Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith and Joshua Jackson.
And to think I used to get nervous just calling up the pizza place.