I forgot to mention that I recieved a little cheque in the mail the other day (check, for all you Americans). My first paid writing peice for a little travel website called gonomad. com (not gonad.com). It's for only 25 USD but I figure, hey it's a start, and the best part of all it means that I am now a professional writer. You gotta start somewhere, right? Anyway, this whole experience has given me a little boost and so I have attempted to write my second article for the site, on the wonderful city of Berlin. Let's hope I can get this done by the end of the day, otherwise I'll never get around to it.
For anyone interested, you can view my article at http://www.gonomad.com/destinations/0603/tarragona.html
This may seem like shameless promotion (which it is) but they did tell me to try and get this link out everywhere. And I know only like 6 people read my blog but hey, you are very cool influential people (mwahaha).